Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Accounting Blues

Like the caption says, I have accounting blues. I just don't get it, and when I think I got it, its wrong. Maybe a cloud will open up and the gods will turn on the very dim light bulb in my accounting deficient brain. Perhaps a miracle will happen and I will wake up one morning and it will all make sense. Doubt it, but I will persevere because I am so close to graduation that I can almost touch that diploma. YES.
Thank you to my sister-in-laws for posting their comments. It was great to hear from you two. Congratulations to Brenna and Dustin on their engagement. I have a little girl here who is just dying to be a flower girl, and I know that she would be great at it. She has been picking my flowers and throwing the petals everywhere for years now, so she is very proficient, and I know she would take the job seriously. Just a thought.
James called yesterday, and I guess him and Cathy have split up, Darn, I think she made a difference in his life, at least she kept him out of some trouble.
What are every one's plans for Thanksgiving? I think we should peer pressure Grandma Julie and Grandpa Dave into coming down for at least one holiday this year. Maybe two, but I know that would be pushing it. So everyone get on the band wagon and start planting the seed of holiday cheer into the Grand Parents.
Oh look at time, I have to go be a student. Take care.

1 comment:

Julie Owens said...

Grandma Julie and Granddad Dave could maybe be persuaded....
Hey, Nikki, my blog is